Tuesday, July 21, 2009

♥ Cigarette~

Nowadays more and more people are smoking. I hate smoker!! The smoke made me feel dizzy and uncomfortable.
A cigarette is a product consumed through smoking and manufactured out of cured and finely cut tobacco leaves and reconstituted tobacco.

The effects of smoking on human health are serious and deadly. There are many chemicals in cigarettes which are toxic. The ingredients in cigarettes affect the internal function of organs. The effects of cigarette smoking are destructive and widespread.

The following are how smoking effects on the human body
· Toxic ingredients in cigarette smoke travel throughout the body, causing damage.
· Nicotine reaches the brain after smoke is inhaled.
· Carbon monoxide binds to haemoglobin in red blood cells, preventing affected cells from carrying a full load of oxygen.
· Cancer-causing agents in tobacco smoke damage genes that control the growth of cells, causing them to grow abnormally.
· Smoking affects the function of the immune system.
· Smokers have lower levels of antioxidants in their blood which help in repairing the damaged cells.

Cigarette smoking accounts cancer deaths. It is a major cause of lung, voice box (larynx), mouth (oral cavity), throat (pharynx), bladder, the swallowing tube connected to the stomach (oesophagus). Smoking is also linked to pancreas, cervix, kidney, stomach, some leukaemia. Smoking is responsible of lung cancer deaths. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in both men and women, and it is one of the most difficult cancers to treat. Lung cancer is a disease that can often be prevented.

say no to cigarette now~ ^^

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